Hey! My name is Mingyu Liu.
I’m a 4B Computer Science and Business Administration Double Degree student at the University of Waterloo and the Wilfrid Laurier University. I also minor in Economics at WLU. I desire to combine my technological skills and insights into the business field to impact the communities, starting from the one surrounding me.
I love to attend Hackathons and build personal projects in my spare time to develop and showcase my programming skills. I participate and represent my school in varies Math and Computer Science related competitions where I take my passion for solving challenging problems and achieve top accomplishments.
I have experience building web-based tools as well as Android applications in my previous work terms. I learnt and practiced numerous programming languages and frameworks. I’ve always been a fast learner, and I wish to continue exploring different technologies in my career as a software engineer.
At the same time, I’m a music lover, a traveller, a Chess and Chinese Chess player, and a person who is always confident and optimistic in chasing her dreams.